Friday, May 2, 2008

packing up

I walked out to get into my car parked in the driveway today and noticed I did it again...forgot to lock it up! I'm just so glad nobody broke into it. A couple of years back someone actually did and it was a terrible feeling. Makes me realize how lucky I am in that regard. When I was on tour with Holiday on Ice we were playing Prague and four of us were sharing a room and someone broke in during the night while we were sleeping. We can't believe that nobody woke up but we know they were there, because stuff was taken that had been laying on the dresser, etc. It was such a creepy feeling. Then, a few years later, I was staying with some dancer friends at an apartment in West Hollywood and the same thing happened. They had come in through a window over the sink--they have these alley way things, so a thief can really kind of hide. Anyway, my entire purse had been dumped out right next to my bed. My cash was taken, but my credit cards were still there. To think someone was standing right over me two times while I slept really makes me wonder if it's such a good thing to be a sound sleeper. I guess I really believe the old saying, when it's your time it's your time and when it's not, it's not. Maybe that's why when Gary is out of town I check and re-check the doors over and over. I also don't like candles very well, which may have something to do with the fact that I caught on fire when I was four! Oh, the traumas of life. Well, it only burned my slip and my poor mother put it out with her hands and we were fine. But still...I can pass by a candle shop oh so quickly...
Today it's sunny out (well at least for Oregon) and I'm escaping to the coast for a conference and the speaker is Carol Kent--she has such a great message of hope, I can't wait! Oh dear...the dryer stopped--- I'd better get packing....and I get to interview her too! What fun!

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