Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Door is Open

I can't believe it--I looked out my front window and there it was, staring back at me like an angry neon sign. My neighbor painted his front door fire engine red. It's not that I have anything against red on a front door, but his house is PEACH COLORED. Ahhhhh! I can't stop looking at it and wondering how to not notice anymore. Should I say something? He's a thirty something bachelor who has a steady girlfriend who I think may be the real culprit in this adventure. The only time I spoke to him was to say "thanks" as he dropped a Snickers bar into my daughter's Halloween trick or treat bag. I guess that doesn't really count as knowing someone. My kitchen window faces that silly door too, and no matter how hard I try I can't see anything else across the street as I'm scrubbing pots and pans. As if that weren't enough torture! Hmmm, in the mean time I'm going to "keep on mushing." My other neighbor (who has a reasonably colored front door) recently brought me a ziplock bag full of white squishy stuff that she said was Amish friendship bread starter. Day after day I have to "mush it" on my kitchen counter. I'm wondering if I'm going to like it when it gets done and who else I should give some to. Maybe I should make a deal with "Mr. Red Door! "


Marilyn Haugen said...

Here in ruralNorth Dakota we know our neighbors and probably would help them paint the door red. We all like the Amish bread - perhaps you could bake some and take it to Mr. Red Door - so you could say another couple words to him. He might love something homemade.

Sharon Brumfield said...

I just read your article--Grate Expectations and thought I would come over and say HI!
Loved the article.....I think many of us could identify with what you wrote. Marriage takes work and sometimes I have to remind myself not to get lost in the details. And....not to think too much. I have a sweet friend who reminds me....Sharon, you are thinking too much. And she is right.
Thanks for the article.
And goodness....I can't even imagine putting red with peach.
I know it means something symbolic...but some things just ought not be. ;)

Sherry said...

Had a few unaniversaries myself. Loved your piece!

As for Mr. Red Door, try telling him it reminds you of the Ladie's spa chain, "The Red Door" --they're big here in Maryland, bet the door gets a new shade next weekend!

Portage8 said...

Does he go out often? How fast can you paint!?! Hahahaha!

Portage8 said...

I seriously would bring him a loaf of bread and your other neighbors as well. In this day and age, people are encapsulated in their own lives and miss out on the blessings of getting to know their neighbors. Never know where God is working! :)